Does AMD treatment hurt?

Does AMD treatment hurt?

Treatments for wet age-related macular degeneration use tiny injections into the eye, and when I see you, I will discuss the appropriate treatment plan with you. But regarding whether the treatment hurts or not I’m pleased to say that it doesn’t hurt.

All the patients that I see and treat are expecting quite a big event, but at the end of the day it’s quite a straightforward routine process, and the eye drops we use to numb the eye are very effective in preventing pain. Immediately after the injection people sometimes experience dark circles or dots in the vision which can float about. They usually settle down within a few hours.

After the treatment

And then once the anaesthetic has worn off, the eye can be slightly red and gritty for a few days, and it’s that grittiness that can annoy people, but the drops I give afterwards are very effective at reducing or preventing those problems developing. And even if they do develop the discomfort is mild, tolerable, and down within a few days.