How long will my VisionSafe Eye Check results last?

Lydia Chang:

How long will my VisionSafe check last? Well, in general, I would recommend about a year, but it will depend on the nature of the problem presenting. As we’re all growing older the condition and your risk factors can change. And so, for instance, in something like glaucoma, as the eye changes with age, you want to see whether the anatomy of the eye is changing whether that relates to some changes in the visual field – the vision tests that we do.

And therefore, to get to the point where you’re confident about telling a patient whether they’re developing a disease, sometimes an annual check-up for three to four years is necessary to be able to give the patient the answer that they’re seeking.

What do you think?

Praveen Patel:

I agree, Lydia. And I think the other thing to say is: for patients with age-related macular degeneration, or a suspicion of AMD, the biggest risk factor is age. But, aside from age, some people progress very slowly and other people progress quite rapidly through stages of AMD. And so, an annual check is a very sensible interval. Though, we tailor this based on the individual circumstance and how your eye looks when you see us for that first VisionSafe check.